Major Shareholders

As of April 16, 2024
Shareholder's Name  Shares Percentage
Ke Yue Co., Ltd. 7,155,000 9.86%
An-Ting Chung 4,709,678 6.49%
Yi De Co., Ltd. 4,047,000 5.57%
Yi Sheng Co., Ltd. 3,254,000 4.48%
Catcher Medtech Co., Ltd. 3,003,000 4.14%
Swedbank Robur Small Cap Emerging Markets 2,619,873 3.61%
BL Emerging Markets 2,009,467 2.77%
Min-Chih Chang 1,954,967 2.69%
Yi Fa Co., Ltd. 1,729,000 2.38%
Hsien-Su Chang 1,654,397 2.28%
Total shares: 72,600,000

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