Unit: NT$ thousand
Month Operating Revenue Sales Income Profit Before Tax 
Amount YoY Amount YoY Amount YoY
Jan 201,202 57.33% 42,803 324.66% 37,277 226.47%
Feb 168,996 3.10% 27,659 2.44% 25,598 -13.22%
Mar 207,768 2.78% 44,099 16.89% 44,925 6.23%
Apr 163,524 -5.01% 31,974 -20.42% 24,659 -29.72%
May 160,325 -20.12% 26,102 -46.99% 18,312 -65.79%
Jun 165,467 -21.50% 18,703 -62.20% 17,267 -60.86%
Jul 181,424 -14.95% 39,964 -9.45% 47,808 7.17%
Aug 146,245 -15.60% 12,932 -61.60% 153,258 381.39%
Sep 138,114 -22.59% 13,934 -59.54% 12,617 -56.08%
Oct 170,659 -3.71% 18,969 -47.46% 16,128 -51.19%
Nov 156,261 -14.89% 18,225 -55.89% 19,017 -48.67%
Dec 158,762 -5.70% 18,033 -51.96% 15,149 -51.93%
Total 2,018,749 -7.05% 313,397 -28.92% 434,025 2.68%
*Some accounts are not yet audited or certified by our CPAs; therefore, the quarterly financial statements certified (reviewed) by our CPAs are final.

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