
Tubing Clamp

To interrupt the air/liquid flow in flexible tubing.

General surgical
General surgical

Tracheostomy Fixation Device

Tracheostomy fixation device is intended to secure artificial airway (tracheostomy tube) in place to prevent accidental removal or unintended migration.

Respiratory therapy/ Anesthesia
Respiratory therapy/ Anesthesia

Endotracheal Tube Holder

Endotracheal tube holder is intended to secure artificial airway (endotracheal tube) in place to prevent accidental removal or unintended migration.

Respiratory therapy/ Anesthesia
Respiratory therapy/ Anesthesia

Mucus Extractor / Specimen Trap

To aspirate liquid or semi-liquid matters from a patient’s upper airway and retain the specimen for further inspection.

Respiratory therapy/ Anesthesia
Respiratory therapy/ Anesthesia
Critical care/ Ward
Critical care/ Ward

Mucous Extractor

To aspirate liquid or semi-liquid matters from a patient’s upper airway and retain the specimen for further inspection.

Respiratory therapy/ Anesthesia
Respiratory therapy/ Anesthesia
Critical care/ Ward
Critical care/ Ward

Endotracheal Intubation Stylet

The device is a metal tube wrapped by plastic.

Respiratory therapy/ Anesthesia
Respiratory therapy/ Anesthesia
Pediatric care
Pediatric care
Critical care/ Ward
Critical care/ Ward

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