Air Pollution Prevention

The Company is not the stationary source of pollution but still establish complete pollution prevention measures in accordance with environmental protection regulations. Regarding sterilization, we have 6 wet scrubbers and waste gas will be treated to meet legal requirements before discharged. PAHSCO takes more measure to prevent air pollution. For example, the vehicle idling waste gas management measures are included in the training of new employees to reduce environmental pollution.
Project Name Improvement Measures Date of Accomplishment Reduced Vvolume of Ccarbon Emission (metric ton of CO2e/year)
Commuter transport plan The factory phased out 5 diesel trucks and use public cargo transport for delivery service. In 2020 35
Moving equipment replacement plan All fork-lift trucks were replaced by power fork-lift trucks. In 2019 4
Replacement of fuel boilers with natural gas plan 5 fuel boilers were replaced by 2 natural gas boilers. In 2020 33.34
Recycled use of VOCs plan Replacement of manual assembly by automated devices, adhesives were drained back to the cylinder for collection and re-use. In 2021 5
Fixed Rinsing Tower (6 towers) Air Quality Monitoring Network


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